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Old 12-12-2020, 08:25 AM   #752
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
So, the two big dates left are the EC voting on Monday and Congress accepting the results on Jan. 6th.

There are a lot of MAGA House members who would be fine having a vote on accepting the results. They would lose, of course. But they would be happy to fight.

But, apparently, you need an objection from a House member AND a Senator to even get a vote. And I don't think that McConnell wants his members having to go on record with a vote. They don't get the benefit of gerrymandered districts when they run for reelection.

So my guess is that McConnell is happy for all of the norm-busting that Trump has done, but he's ready for it to end.

And I've always felt that McConnell is pulling Trump's strings more than people realize (A very smart puppetmaster with a very stupid puppet).

So I think that McConnell will backchannel to the WH that it is time for Trump to acknowledge that Biden will be President, while continuing to deny his legitimacy. And he'll make Trump think that it is all his idea.
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