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Old 01-21-2021, 07:18 AM   #1275
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by tarcone
Why is it such a bad thing to tax everyone at 20%? Oh, the rich pay nore? Well shit yeah, they make more.
1000 a month gains 200 in taxes
a 1000000 a month gains 200000 in taxes.

Yeah, you are paying more, but tell me that $800,000 is worse than $800 a month to live on.

The objection to flat taxes in general isn't the rich, but the poor and middle class - opposition has come from those who prefer that the rich pay more and the lower classes play less. It would also take a lot more than 20%; in the 90s when some in Congress were seriously considering a flat tax, 17% was the most common number. That's with a much smaller government at that time, no UBI, no universal health care, etc. It would take at least 25%, probably higher.

The other general opposition to the idea you've outlined would come on the basic premise of liberty; that handing over control of a large industry is a bad idea, people should be able to control their own lives & care, etc. UBI would also have a non-zero effect on the economy.
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