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Old 01-21-2021, 09:05 AM   #1279
I. J. Reilly
College Prospect
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: An Oregonian deep in the heart of Texas.
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
The other general opposition to the idea you've outlined would come on the basic premise of liberty; that handing over control of a large industry is a bad idea, people should be able to control their own lives & care, etc.

I would argue that we need public control of the industry to insure liberty. As it currently stands individuals hardly have much say in the matter; you are insured by whomever your employer chooses or you get one or two ACA options to choose from. Also decoupling insurance from employment greatly increases the liberty to change jobs.

We are just fine with the government controlling institutions that are a much larger threat to individual liberties then health insurance, the military, police, courts, etc. And no one is more willing to infringe on liberties then for profit companies when they can do it for a profit. At least with government control the voters have some say.
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