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Old 02-26-2021, 06:34 AM   #2894
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
A political party should probably not abandon decades of principles and decide to stand for nothing except for the worship of one man.

But the GOP decided to do that. OK. Fine. I disagree, but that's not really an issue.

What I STILL don't get is why THIS man? He's one of the worst people in the world. His only redeeming quality is that he fell out of a vagina that happened to be in a family with lots of money.

You could group up every conservative in the country and pick natural born citizens over age 35 at random and you would probably have to get several thousand in before you found someone worse than him.

Have a living god. Pray to your golden calf. Weep with joy at the wonders of Dear Leader. But, you know, maybe pick a better Dear Leader?
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