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Old 04-17-2021, 01:36 PM   #940
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Concord, MA/UMass
Originally Posted by wustin View Post
There's no way he hasn't been selling covered calls since January. He's too smart to not look at his GME position and go full theta.
As long as we're assuming the screenshots are real & not doctored (which I do), then unless he's selling them far enough OTM they haven't hit you wouldn't we have seen a change in shares (or his cost basis/cash total if he bought back in to hit the round 50/100k share numbers)?

He was sitting on $11m in cash since January, even if it now dips back to $40 (which I think even bearish people who actually look at the finances & RC team can agree is a fair price for the turnaround potential), he's now got $11m between $3m cash & 200k shares. I don't know him past his Youtube videos, but I get the sense he was very caught off guard (like everyone) when it spiked this much, and I don't know if he's trying to squeeze small %'s out of there or just figuring out bigger issues when he's now worth 8 figures & has had to deal with Massachusetts regulators & Congressional investigations, as well as still choosing to heavily engage with the Reddit-ish following. The conspiracy theories on what exactly some tweets imply was sometimes hilarious with how far people tried to find connections and how you can 6 degrees anything (my favorite was when he had the John Locke hatch tweet and someone realized that they only opened the hatch by blowing it up with dynamite from a ship called the Black Rock), but even if it was just building up to this options exercise/double down he clearly put a lot of effort into it considering how many were edited or had allusions to earlier posts of his.
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