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Old 04-22-2021, 09:21 AM   #21273
This guy has posted so much, his fingers are about to fall off.
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: In Absentia
I think it was in this thread a couple of months ago I posted about how outrageous car rental prices were. Well, I saw a GMA story yesterday that explained why it's an actual thing and not just my poor ability to find deals.

Thanks to Covid, no one needed a rental car last year, so rental companies started selling off their fleets (up to 50% in some cases). This was further accelerated by the fact that used car sales went up, presumably because many people weren't exactly flush with cash to buy a new car. So rental stock was way down coming into 2021. Now that we can all travel again, more people than normal are looking to drive, rental companies are scrambling, BUT their ability to buy new car fleets has been stymied by slower new car production because of supply chain issues.

Hence, trying to rent an SUV for 9 days in August, I get prices routinely over $2K. So, I guess we'll be driving our own SUV and rationalizing it as still being fewer miles on the car after the trip than if Covid had never happened. In the meantime, I'll keep checking because who knows, maybe by late July prices will be better.
M's pitcher Miguel Batista: "Now, I feel like I've had everything. I've talked pitching with Sandy Koufax, had Kenny G play for me. Maybe if I could have an interview with God, then I'd be served. I'd be complete."
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