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Old 06-16-2021, 01:35 PM   #133
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by miked View Post
The next league up (mostly 8 year olds and better 7 year olds) I heard was highly competitive with kids taking triples on ground balls...basically at this age their ability to throw directly and make the tag was low, so the goal is to run and make them make the play. Stupid.

This is mostly how high end competitive baseball at that age works. With 60 foot bases it's rare to have players that can field a bunt and get the throw to 1st before a runner with any speed is safe. Add leadoffs and stealing (if the league or tournaments at that age allow it) and games are mostly about running the bases with no regard to actual baseball intelligence until the other team can make a play. Teams that abuse it brag about their records, but their kids don't know how to actually play the game and it shows as they get older.
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