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Old 06-17-2021, 03:59 PM   #481
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
I'm not going full plant-based. But based on my latest bloodwork, my family genetics have caught up to me, and I need to start paying a lot more attention to this stuff.

One thing I want to do is make some basic daily changes as I work toward more of a lifestyle overhaul.

What are the good plant-based milk substitutes? I drink a lot of milk, so subbing for that would be a pretty eventful change.

But I see a lot of options: almond, oat, soy.

I assume they each have their own flavor profile. Which ones are the most milk-like? I figure I'll get some recs before I start exploring.

FWIW, I've never been a drink-a-whole-glass guy anyway, so my consumption is coffee, over cereal, and everything else, in that order.

Oat Milk is probably the most initially satisfying, but it has more sugar than many health-motivated users want. The Oatly brand is especially tasty.

Ripple makes a milk product that, I think, is a blend of proteins including pea... their chocolate variety is very tasty. I suspect the regular one is too.

I initially (when committing to 100% plant-based diet) really found almond milk to be weak. I spent some time using the various "creamers" available - denser variations on the soy milk or almond milk theme. I pretty quickly adjusted, predictably, and now find it fully acceptable. (The bayou boy in you might find my ratio of coffee to milk - perhaps 3:2 - to be suitable, most of the world would disagree)

Soy milk has a bit of extra protein, which may suit some dietary goals. It has a vaguely... "nutty" aftertaste to me, and I prefer almond milk for that reason, but am willing to drink soy if that's what's available someplace.

Coconut milk is also a usable base, but to me there's a noticeable aftertaste there too, and it's off-putting unless you want it. A slight coconut/tropical vibe in, say, rocky road ice cream... cool. In my coffee... no, no.
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