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Old 06-17-2021, 08:14 PM   #484
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I'm very happy with Planet Oat. Thanks BYU! The extra creamy for my coffee and the regular for drinking/cereal has been great.

I'm not quite as concerned with the sugars yet. I'm really trying to get animal fats out of my diet. For me, it is 90% about cholesterol/heart health and 10% about weight/other health issues. As I get a handle on the first, then the rest may become more of a focus.

I also plan to do this for the next 40 years, so I want to be realistic about sustainable changes. If the oat milk is really tasty but not quite as healthy, I might still stick with it b/c I'm more likely to really stick with it.

I do enjoy meat, but I could see the long-term result of this becoming mostly vegetarian/vegan. As I think more about what I am putting into my body, that tends to be the answers I end up reaching. But I still think that a roasted chicken and vegetables is pretty healthy, and I don't see a health need (at this point) to give those up. I'm just trying to eliminate the bacon, fast food, etc.

The one wild card is that I have one son who I predict will end up vegetarian within the next few years for ethical reasons (I'm letting him just take the journey at his pace, but I can see where it is going). And if he does decide to do it, we will support him, and then I can see our whole family's meals becomes a lot more plant-based by default.
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