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Old 08-04-2021, 12:06 PM   #21644
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Contractors can be such evil fuckers.

We had water damage in the bathroom and had to replace everything. That stalled 2 months because there were no soaker tubs available. I told him at one point I'd drive as far as Salt Lake myself to just get one if he could locate it. Finally he gets one. Plumber shows up and says, "they ordered a tiny tub, this is way smaller than the one you had before." We asked him if he had access to any soaker subs at at least the depth we had before, and he said sure and could be back in 20 minutes.

I suspect the contractor's been pushing other jobs in front of ours (there's a massive housing and construction boom here, lots of millionaires buying up and renovating homes), and then he tried to screw us on the cheaper tub with hopes we wouldn't notice. He's never met my girlfriend.

They really can be brutal. One you trust can be gold. My cousin is one, and a good one, so whenever we have work done I always run it by him first.

We are in a similar situation. Having out landscaper do some work in our backyard, that includes 20X20 pavers. he was supposed to start beginning of June. Still can't get the pavers, which I believe. I am at the point where I just tell him plan to do in next March and have us first on the list. We have already given him a sizeable deposit, and I am 99% certain he wouldn't screw us, but it sucks being in limbo.
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