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Old 08-16-2021, 10:28 AM   #21684
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by miami_fan View Post
Last week was the first week of school for my son. Watching parents trying all sorts of ways to circumvent the drop off and pick up processes in order to drop off or pickup their child faster has been a fascinating social experiment.

So far I have already seen two physical skirmishes, numerous people cursing each other out along with a similar number of people flashing the bird at others who won't let them skip the line and several other attempts to avoid waiting in the line. There have been two pièces de résistance so far. First, a woman was handcuffed for arguing with a police officer over not being allowed to turn in front of a gated community on order to skip in the car line. The second one was finding out that the church next door to the school received an email threatening them with a lawsuit. The church blocked off their parking lot to stop people from drive through the lot and again skipping the car line. The email stated that it was a violation of their religious freedom to block access to their place of worship.

The best part is the obvious part. As they have closed the loopholes that parents have used to try and beat the system on a daily basis, the line has actually moved faster each day than it did the day before.

My son's middle school happens to be across from the parking lot that I use for work. So we park together, and he walks in. But I have noticed some . . . crafty parents realize that it is way faster to drive into my lot and drop their kid off to walk than it is to join the line.

It is a lot easier in middle school b/c they just let the kids go to walk. Couldn't pull this off with elementary school rules.
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