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Old 09-27-2021, 11:00 AM   #113
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Q: So, how do you churn out coins in this game, during a few minutes of spare time?

Okay, I will bring up the Madden Companion app on my phone/iPad when I have a few minutes in the waiting room, or whatever. If I have 3 minutes to spend, here's the drill:

-Do a quick sort in the auction house on something I understand pretty well

current example: Falcons rated 70-79... the guys who make up the ATL Andre Rison set that I am hammering

-Sort either by lowest price, or by newest items posted to the auction house

if I'm just fishing for good values for training, frex, lowest price gets right to the point... but latest posted is the preferred way to "snipe" an item that shouldn't have been made available that cheaply, because it won't last long

-Buy items at attractive prices, and either (a) re-post them for sale at aggressive prices for a quick flip, or (b) sit on them awaiting a change in the market eventually to do the same

That's basically it.

So... of late I have been trying to buy 85-rated cards to convert to training. I have noticed that the Legends set seems, especially over the weekend, to generate most of the deals. The key is to create a filter that yields no more than 100 players... and I managed to do so by selecting: Legends, All Offense (or All Defense), rated 84-85.

When I run that filter and sort by "newest" I see the new additions right at the top. I switch back and forth between O and D, and over the course of maybe a minute, I'm fairly likely to find an 85-rated card drop at my targets price of 25K or less. When I see it, buy it immediately. If all I do is use it for training, that price is acceptable.

Once I have the card, I look quickly to see what I might be able to re-sell it for. If that looks pretty good (say, 33k) then I will just put it up for auction. Buy at 25K, sell for (after 10% tax) 30K, that's a clean 5K in profit. This sounds absurd, but it is reliably available right around the training price, with a bit of patience. I suppose it's a bit like "farming" in a D&D style role playing game, where you kill the ogre, reload the section of the game, kill the ogre, rinse, repeat.

Anyway... give me a few minutes in the app, and I can likely swing a handful of deals like this. Just a few minutes ago: Bought a cheap component in the Andre Rison set twice for 3200 and 3300, set them aside for some time when they are selling for 6000 or 8000. Then found an 85 card for 22750, and immediately put it up for sale at 31,249 (a dollar less than the cheapest one out there). Then, I also grabbed a couple cheap gold cards not in the Rison set but who were "too cheap" and worth grabbing just for use in other sets I know I can make... right now I'll pay 1200 for a 70-74 rated card, and 2400 for a 75-79 rated card no matter what it is, there are other sets using these where those numbers are reliable profitable.
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