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Old 02-08-2022, 11:26 AM   #47
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Maryland
I don't know about making things interesting, but my wife said something I took note of the other night. It boiled down to all the "new" events, which mostly seem to have a lot of judging in them, vs "old" events where there is something measurable (time, distance). There's probably a fuddy-duddy instinct there (where I am probably with her; "shouldn't this be in the X-Games?") but I think there's also a bit of, "what the hell is going on?"

I mean, it's very simple to understand that bobsled A went down the track .015 seconds faster than bobsled B. It's not quite as easy to watch someone shoot off a ramp, flip and spin and twirl a bunch of times, and then have a score thrown at you. Like, I don't know what the hell they just did or why it was good or bad. It looks cool, but I am completely at the mercy of the broadcast saying why it was what it was and taking their word for it. It's not a race, there's no "go go go!"

(At the same time though, she likes watching skating. *shurg*)

Last edited by cuervo72 : 02-08-2022 at 11:27 AM.
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