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Old 03-23-2022, 04:28 PM   #28
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
I would say farther to the left on economic stuff. I believe in universal health care and other stuff that I didn't a decade ago. So I would consider myself a progressive on stuff like that.

Business-wise, probably stayed more moderate. I think the government goes overboard on some regulations (California and Prop 65 for instance), while also does too little on other stuff.

The biggest change for me is just wanting equality. It was just something I never thought about when I was younger. Not talking about race stuff, but everything. The law shouldn't treat a rich person differently than a poor person. I think the inequality between wealth classes is the biggest problem in the country. Neither party seems to really care about that (and in fact fights for that inequality), so I don't even know where it would fall on the political spectrum (maybe toward the libertarian arrow?).

I mostly vote Democrat now. Not a party allegiance thing as I voted for many Republicans in my life. More lesser of two evils at the moment for me. The party platform is mostly just white power stuff now and there is next to nothing on economics or foreign policy.
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