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Old 04-05-2022, 07:18 PM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
The effects of inflation are intensely personal, on a political level, and more emotional than practical. We respond to gas prices because by law they are advertised on gigantic signs. OMG it was 2.89 just a while ago, now it's 3.89 OM what are we to do? Cancel the trip to see grandmother!?!?!

Reality is: that 400m trip to grandmother in your avg car costs you 15 gallons of gas. You're going to cancel on grandma for $15? Really? ( I mean, I get there are people for whom $15 is a major matter, but it's not most of the people answering polls)

The major disconnect is that the economy is adding jobs (even if most Americans disagree with this unimpeachable fact), and that creates upward wage pressure overall..but if my wage has not increased, then I'm having more trouble paying for gas and whatnot than a year ago, so this sucks. Imperfect system.
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