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Old 04-07-2022, 05:54 PM   #776
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by Dawgfan19
But could someone please explain why the Keystone XL Pipeline was shutdown? World power stems not only from military strength but also monetary (follow the money as they say!!!) and probably more importantly energy. But the green new deal bigots seem to ignore that little detail.

Keystone XL would not have made us more energy-independent. Aside from the environmental and safety issues, the oil produced would mostly have been exported. Reports commissioned by both the Obama and Trump administrations concluded US gas prices would not have been reduced by it.

One of the reasons is that, even leaving Keystone XL aside, oil exports from the US have been increasing for decades. Limited refining capacity is a primary reason. Another is variations and fluctuations in what different types of productions different types of oil are used for.

The only logical economic fashion to proceed is, and has been for decades, drastic reduction in fossil fuel consumption because the cost of not doing that is far higher than the cost of doing it. Every year that passes without a concerted global effort makes the situation that much worse, as we continue to devastate the world that future generations will live in for the sake of our own present convenience.
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