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Old 04-07-2022, 10:39 PM   #788
High School JV
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Originally Posted by flere-imsaho View Post
Well, let's hear the details. I'm sure I speak for all of us that we'd welcome a thoughtful argument around energy dependence with facts and details, as opposed to another post stoking the fires of a culture war.

Ah, I guess not.

Thank you continuing the debate on topic and on point. Sure, I will be happy to forward a 7-point program to unwind the world’s century-plus dependency on fossil fuels. The report will be on your desk first thing in the morning. I’m sure you will agree this is a tall order. Ah, well, perhaps after your last post, you may not agree!!! How ridiculous.

I do know the following:

1. Releasing oil from the reserve is not a plan.

2. Issuing executive orders and government mandates is not a plan.

3. And this initiative was not a plan. How did y’all like your tax dollars at work at Solyndra?

Solyndra - Wikipedia

I also know this is off topic, but given others have taken this liberty, raise your hand if you recall this hot mic clip.

Obama tells Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" after election - YouTube

But as opposed to continuing down the renewable energy rabbit hole, we may be best served getting back on topic. That being poor policy decisions, energy or in other areas, often leads to bad results.

I should have trusted my instincts to not post anything. I plan to quietly bow out and have rational discussions (with both those on the left and right) elsewhere. Because most of this group does not fit that criteria.
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