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Old 05-21-2022, 08:16 PM   #27
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Originally Posted by CrimsonFox View Post
And so passes the last person that's actually playing except for perhaps Mike. Mike gets so emotional tho. If Maryanne and Romeo both make the final 3, it will be a whine-off for sure!

Lindsey gets an F for that ego move of not playing the idol for omir

I hope Jonathan demolishes everyone from here on out in challenges.
I fear that Maryanne wins for the wrong reasons granted that's happened before so whatever.

Whoever won deserved to win which is the case most seasons.

I'm personally hoping it was Maryanne. She's been such a fun character and is one of my favorite players ever.

Edit wise, I think Maryanne is a huge favorite to win at this point though I thought the same thing about Omar until he was voted out this week. Maryanne has had a consistent narrative throughout the season.

If we're not going by edit then I think Lindsey would be the favorite at this point if she got to the end followed by Maryanne. Lindsey received a lack of screen time for much of the season. The same was true for Erika last season but she had a more consistent story and theme. For that reason I expect for her to be voted out next.

There is more to Survivor then winning challenges so Jonathan doesn't deserve to win solely because he's arguably the best team challenge player in the history of Survivor with Joe Anglim and James Clement being the only other two candidates (Ozzy may be the best individual challenge performer ever). Survivor is very much a social game first and unfortunately for Jonathan he's been hangry at various time in the post merge and has seemingly rubbed others the wrong way.

I agree that Mike gets to emotional. I also think he's made a mistake of emphasizing he's a man of his word way to much. He's broken his word and voted on Rocksroy, Hai, and possibly to Omar and Chanelle to some degree. If he makes it to final tribal council and doesn't own the fact he's been a backstabber, he probably doesn't have a chance of winning. Coach sort of acted similar in South Pacific and was roasted which led to an easy win for Sophie.
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