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Old 05-24-2022, 05:05 PM   #1932
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
I own guns, so I am not anti-gun, but I am anti-stupidity by our leaders, who use fear tactics (all guns are evil and need to go away, or any type of change gun law is evil and will result in you losing your guns)

So what the hell is wrong with

1-Universal gun license, like you have a drivers license, you know because everyone that opposes new gun laws says shit like, cars are dangerous, lets ban them. Well yeah, they are dangerous, that's why you have a license and lose your right to drive if you lose your license. So universal gun license, connected to a criminal and behavioral health database. You are flagged on either one, you lose your guns. You get caught with an unregistered gun, you lose you guns and go to jail, 5 years minimum. Every gun you buy is recorded on your license, which you have to renew every 10 years by taking a gun safety course.

2-Stiff penalties/agendum's for gun crime. Use a gun in a crime, nobody is killed/injured, automatic 5 year addendum to the sentence, must serve all 5. Bodily injury occurs from the gun or somethings else, add 10. Someone is killed, automatic 50 year addendum, all these must be served consecutively, so if you get life, it's life plus 50, no reduction to the addendum. Possession of unlicensed 5 years, must serve all 5.

3-All gun sales must be recorded on an individuals license. If that does not happen, seller gets 5 years too and loses their guns.

4-Don't let the public buy body armor, who the fuck needs body armor to hunt or target shoot?

5-Limits on magazine capacity, you can't defend your house with 15 rounds, you probably need more range time.
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