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Old 05-26-2022, 09:12 PM   #2088
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I don't think photos would do anything. Most of the country has made up their mind on where they stand on school shootings. Not going to persuade anyone.

I’m not trying to equate the magnitude and you may be right and probably are, but I think about how watching 9/11 unfold live, on television, told such a impactful story in a way that reporting and recounting probably would not have done justice. That led to the Patriot Act and Bush having an unbelievably high approval rating because it was so visually horrifying and, in my opinion, because it seemed like something that could happen anywhere at anytime (for a little while, at least).

I’m not trying to argue or push people that I like on here into being uncomfortable or trying to see things my way - I haven’t even fully processed all of this. Hell - I can’t even watch the parents talk about it right now. I just think it is one of those things that we want to be blind to and not think about (like war, or how the meat I eat is processed, or how my sneakers and iPhone are made in Asia, etc.) that might change our behaviors if we didn’t have the option or privilege to be able to look away from it. Not a mountain I’m trying to die on, but just expanding on the idea of it in the presence of people whose opinions interest me and I largely respect
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