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Old 06-10-2022, 10:22 AM   #2380
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
Should there be a law that makes the person who sells a gun to buyer at least partially culpable for gun crimes committed using said gun? This would basically affect anyone who sells a gun to someone without doing a background check on the buyer.

I'm hoping this would target black market sellers, straw purchasers and "gun show loophole" sellers as these are the main ways criminals get their guns. Perhaps maybe sellers would think twice about who they sell to.

I also wonder if any gun owner should be held partially responsible if they had their gun stolen from them and that gun is used in a crime. This one would only be enforced against people who didn't reasonably secure their guns. For example if you had a gun locked in a safe then you're not responsible. But if you left your gun on the front seat of the car and it gets stolen, then you could held partially responsible if that gun gets used in a crime.

Just a couple thoughts you guys will tear apart in seconds...

I am on board with both of these, but there is no way in hell the gun lobby would allow either to pass, and the second one still gives a lot of wiggle room. Such as having a trigger lock is considered secure, put if you leave that gun in an unlocked car and it is stolen, the lock can obviously be compromised.

So to me, the best bet here is to somehow get universal background checks through, and the argument against them is feeble. Why a gun store owner needs to do a background check, but he can take some of his wares to a gun show and sell them without it as a vendor is ridiculous.

But I digress, with universal background checks you can then lay the hammer down on anyone that sells a gun without doing one. (And if we issued "gun licenses" to people, simply swiping their card, or entering the ID into an online database would make this manageable)
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