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Old 06-10-2022, 01:40 PM   #5028
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Reagan supported the apartheid state of South Africa so much so that the House (and much of his own party) had to override his veto so they could sanction that regime. He kicked off his campaign with the infamous "states rights" speech in Neshoba County. Started the whole "welfare queen" propaganda. Is on tape using racial epithets.

HW leaned into the Southern Strategy and used race heavily in his campaign (I mean Lee Atwater worked was behind much of the campaign). Remember Willie Horton?

And I'm sure people remember what the Bush campaign did to McCain in South Carolina.

My point is that this stuff has been there for a long time. Trump is not unique and the party hasn't changed much. He just said the quiet part out loud which is actually more honorable than those other cowards.
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