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Old 08-29-2022, 08:01 AM   #8
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Ooh, new idea just came to me... a dispersal auction. We could run it as a free fantasy league on ESPN or something like that, with some pre-arranged way to convert auction dollars into initial spend here.

So, you get $200 to buy an initial roster... but we work with an understanding that each $1 of spend translates to a certain $ amount in our eventual game. May need some refinement, but it could be like this:

FanDuel minimum price for a RB is, say, $3,500
A $1 bid is equivalent to a $3,500 buy for any RB
Every $ over $1 becomes an extra $200 in the buy price for the RB

Liking this idea a lot, though it might need to be simplified a bit.
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