Originally Posted by tarcone
If you were there, you would understand.
Why is it when I bag on a woman you are misogynistic, but when I bag on any male (which I have a bunch in here), there is no attack on me?
male feminists are the absolute worst.
When you specifically put female in your post, in the context you did, it comes off as implying her decisions are made because she's a female rather than an AD simply making poor decisions.
Remove female from your post and there's absolutely not a thing wrong with it. But if you had a male AD there's no chance you post it using the same wording and replacing female with male. You would have simply said "our AD".
It would be the same as using black, muslim, middle eastern, white, christian, atheist, or any other descriptor that has no relevance in the job the person is doing.
Hopefully this comes across as not flaming or attacking. That's not my intent. I genuinely just want to explain how the post came off.