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Old 10-24-2022, 08:48 AM   #8
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Part 3 (otherwise known as "Foz's fingers really could use a break")

Rachael Noir 4.5 Stars, 3 Levels Health, 5 Damage

Originally one of the (Very) few honest Ravenholme police officers, Rachel Noir's world was torn apart when the assassin Vicki Hate killed her journalist brother after an investigation he was running into Narco's criminal empire had gotten a little too close for the crime boss's comfort. Infuriated by the Ravenholme Police Department's refusal to investigate the murder properly (she correctly deduced it was due to Narco having some dirt on the chief of police), Noir quit the force and became a vigilante, obsesses with settling the score with Hate and then finishing her brother's work by bringing down Narco.

Rerolls 2
Melee 10/17
Range 11/17
Mental 6/16
Outsmart 11/18

Foz Notes: If this was taking part in Chinatown isntead of Blackwood, in Ravenholme, I might be willing to slip her into the team, despite being only 4.5 stars (she has an ability that boosts her stats in Chinatown...) something about her backstory is more palatable then say Dark Justice. Considering those we're facing though, this may not be the time nor the place for Rachel

Risktaker (4 Stars, 3 Levels of Health, 5 Damage)

An investigative journalist with the Ravenhole Chronicle, Greg Gamble specialized in crime reporting and was instrumental in dragging the illegal enterprises of men like Narco, Yin-Yang, and Lisping Lou Ferrari into the lgiht, which naturally, put a huge target on his back, as the various crime lords saw their operations disrupted and compromised. Effectively forced to quit his job and go on the run, Gamble reasoned that the only way he'd ever be safe is if he helped to put all the crime bosses behind bars and put an end to their criminal enterpires. After undergoing extensive training with City Sweeper, he donned a mask and became the hero known as Risktaker

Re-Rolls 3
Melee 11/17
Range 10/17
Mental 6/16
Outsmart 12/18

Foz Notes: I actually am considering him. Not likely, but he's at least in the conversation. He is a very decent "Light heavyweight" superhero.. he has taser gauntlets and technological gadgets (including batman style minibombs). Plus he's an underdog type. However, this may be a heavyweight fight he doesn't have the muscle for. We'll see.

The Flashing Blade (5 Stars, 3 levels of Health, 6 damage)

When Michael Perez started digging iinto his family history, he found he was the descendent of a long line of swashbuckling freedomg fighters, the most famous of whom was known as the Flashing Blade, a hero who stood up to corruption and abuse of power in 16th century Spain. Inspired, he took his ancient ancestor's sobriquet and now travels the world fighting evil and protecting the innocent. Over the course of his adventures, he has come into possession of the Perez family sword, a blade that is said to be enchanted so that it can cut through any substance on the planet. Blade is noted for his ongoing rivalry with his nemesis and fellow swordsman, Masked Cavalier.

Re-Rolls 2
Melee 11/18
Ranged 9/16
Mental 8/15
Outsmart 11/18

Foz Notes: Can you say Zorro? I knew you could (try to catch the amount of references there!). In fact one of his powers is entitled "World's Greatest Swordsman". Again, does he bring something to the table that our default three doesn't? I'll leave that to the judgement of others.

Darvin the Monster Hunter (6 stars, 3 Levels of Health, 5 Damage)

Darvin, usually referred to more fully as Darvin the Monster Hunter (the name of his short-lived solo series, is part-human and part-vampire, posessing the soul of the former, and the physical abilities of the latter. However, his human half means that he does not have to endure the typical blood lust of a vampire, or other such traditional weaknesses of vampires (he can move around freely in daylight, for example). According to his origin story, he's been traveling the glove for a couple centuries, tracking down and killing supernatural monsters in order to protect humanity.

Re-Rolls None
Melee 12/17
Range 12/17
Mental 9/18
Outsmart 11/18

Foz Notes: And spot the Blade Expy. His stats look good if middling, so why is he rated at six stars? Because his "Starting Powers/Abilities/Traits" window has 12 lines in it (which was the reason I said "No, I'm not going to copy and paste everyone's combat abilities). He's got an option that increases the attackers actions increased by 1 (if he's on the team), and got all the abilities that you'd expect from a Blade expy, including energy drain, durability etcetera. With facing Vampire-Bat's minions, he's in the default team for a reason. and that reason is bringing the pain to supernatural enemies.

Deathwatch Beetle (6 stars, 4 levels of health, 7 Damage)

It was pretty early in life that Brian "Buster" Tell discovered that he had a nearly superhuman ability to withstand punishment, something that came in extremely handy given his scrappy nature and the fact that he grew up on the mean streets on Ravenholme. He would eventually put his talent to good use, becoming a world class Mixed Martial Arts competitor and a nearly unbeatable bar room brawler. After seeing Ravenholme descend into even more chaos and criminality then usual, he donned the mask of the Deathwath Beetle and using the wealth he had amassed from MMA to fund his campaign, became a vigilante and dedicated himself to standing up for the good citizens of the city.

Re-Rolls 2
Melee 12/18
Ranged 10/18
Mental 8/17
Outsmart 10/17

Foz Notes: I'm tempted to see if Brian Tell appears in Adam Ryland's World of Mixed Martial Arts game. But I think he's a Luke Cage expy, and is very tanky, between stats and abilities, including "Can take a beating" (reduces all damage except Psychic/Mystical by 1 on a 3+, a free use (3+) power that increases an ally's melee defense by 1, a 5+ dodge vs Melee, a heal (5+, 1 point, and a melee attack that does three points of damage and automatically stuns an opponent if he hits. In a combat heavy scenario, I want him on my team. I can see why the game put him in default.

Kid Canada (5.5 Stars, 3 Levels of Health, 6 Damage)

Kid Canada (Rob Joslin) is one of the Great White North's premier Superheroes even though he is just a teenager. A metahuman who gained his powers after accidentally ingesting an alien parasite that now lives in his lower colon, he is freakishly strong, incredibly durable, and also has the abilty to fly. KC travels the world promoting positive relations with Canada by doing heroic deeds, saving folks, and generally being an all-round good egg.

Stats: 2 ReRolls
Melee 11/18
Range 10/17
Mental 6/18
Outsmart 10/17

Foz Notes: Thanks for telling me that the parasite lives in his LOWER COLON, game. (Ew). Flying tank, even can assist his teammates if he's taken out of action, as he has a 5+ ability that increases all allies defense values by 1 if he's knocked out. Other than that, Flight, Enhanced Healing and Durability, and Super Strength Punches. Yup. Again, I see why he's in the team.
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