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Old 10-26-2022, 10:42 PM   #62
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
Theoretical based on quantum physics is fun, but how is it ever going to be practical for objects larger than pretty much nothing?

I cannot speak intelligently in detail about this but quantum computing is based on quantum physics/mechanics. Quantum computers are "real" but in the embryonic stage. They will eventually revolutionize the computers we are using.

This is an example of how theoretical quantum physics becomes "practical".

I don't want to say never, but I think there's a decent chance that never is the answer for cross-galaxy travel, simply because of time. And if you have to wait 100,000 years for the answer to "how you doin'?", what's to be gained?

I see your point but will point our how far we have come in only 100 years.

From beginning of flight to near consumer space travel. From vacuum tubes 50-60 years ago to quantum computing. From Asimov's robots/androids to early stages of that realization. From the initial Turing test to arguably achieving that reality now (and certainly in Chess, Go, and recently in digital paintings).

As for timelines, we are in this weird space of a few hundred years within the evolution of a species that's a few million years old in a galaxy that's billions of years old. In the time it would take simply to communicate anything to anyone, our civilization will age considerably. Maybe by the time we get a reply to the first message we send out, our civilization will either be gone (dark ages seem cyclical, and I think we're starting to edge down toward another one) or advanced far beyond the scope of whatever we communicated 100,000 years ago being all that interesting or relevant.

If it is possible to improve technology beyond what we think of as the rules of basic physics, then whatever's out there that can communicate with us is not going to be in tech infancy like we must be. But if it isn't, then distance is a limitation that can't be overcome.

I do understand your concern, skepticism about interstellar communication. But as pointed out, entanglement is potentially faster than the speed of light. Therefore, if entanglement is possible, why not something else yet to be discovered.

There was classical Newtonian stuff, then classical physics, now (yet to be fully understood) quantum physics/mechanics. Similarly apply this to other scientific but non-physics disciplines.

Let's put it this way. I am willing to bet all the greatest minds since Einstein and prior would be amazed at the progress we have made since their time.

Although skeptical of quick resolution, I do leave room for the vast potential of human ingenuity to figure things out and supersede current limitations.

Last edited by Edward64 : 10-26-2022 at 10:42 PM.
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