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Old 10-27-2022, 02:23 PM   #75
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Solecismic View Post
But nowhere in entanglement theory is there any hint that anything can travel faster than light.

I do not believe anything is "proven" yet but there are definitely "hints" that entanglement exceeds faster than light. The debate I think we are having is "besides quantum particles, there is not any hint that anything else can exceed" the speed to light. I don't dispute this but I leave the possibility of us learning of other ways as we try to better understand entanglement.
400 Bad Request.
For now, we know that the interaction between entangled quantum particles is faster than the speed of light. In fact, Chinese physicists have measured the speed. We know that quantum entanglement can be used to realize quantum teleportation experimentally.
Quantum Weirdness May Seem to Outrun Light —*Here's Why It Can't | Space
Here's where Einstein interrupts everything. What if the second particle is on the other side of the room? Or across the galaxy? According to quantum theory, as soon as one "choice" is made, the partner particle instantly "knows" what spin to be. It appears that communication can be achieved at faster-than-light speeds, which Einstein thought we had all agreed was impossible.
You mention the multiverse. This brings the question of copying into the equation. A computer is the sum of the current status of the terabytes of data it contains. Even that storage requires some physical space. What if every instant, and every possibility for the future, had to be stored as well? That requires copying and recording the current status at every instant. Nearly infinite storage is required at every instant. Then infinite times infinite.

Where do you get all this storage or even the mechanism for copying? Occam's Razor surely eliminates the rationale for the multiverse theory. Yet it seems to be a requirement for time travel. Even if the light-speed problem is solved, it doesn't enable time travel.

I have a problem with the multiverse especially that version that says multiverses exist for every possible scenario, event that occurs. However, I don't think we can translate our DASD, FDD, SSD storage issue and apply it here. I can't speak intelligently about it, but Math tells us there is possibility of multiverses (and that probably trumps Occam's Razor as that is limited to our personal biases and understanding).

There's "sounds impossible, but why not think about it and maybe it won't be impossible in 100 years" - that's the light-speed problem. And then there's multiverse and time travel and all that. I don't want to say impossible, but I'm more likely to wonder if kids can really attend Hogwarts and dream about the Triwizard Tournament.

Kids 100 years ago would view the technology that we have now as "Hogwarts magic". So yeah, there is plenty of room for kids to attend future Hogwarts 100 years from now. And have us solve space travel/communication issue.

Last edited by Edward64 : 10-27-2022 at 02:24 PM.
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