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Old 11-05-2022, 09:33 PM   #6480
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Originally Posted by QuikSand View Post
Wasn't sure where to put this, but i found this twitter thread fascinating and revelatory.

Berenson has become a folk hero among the COVID denier crowd, here making observations about current partisan politics and whether the 2020 election was "stolen," and... well, it's like adding water to acid here, the discussion just blows up.

Some of the earnest-sounding input is downright shocking.

There are an awful lot of people who have very little foundation for what they now believe, but nonetheless believe it very, very deeply. That's really weird.

I can't even read that stuff. I can only shake my head in disbelief so many times. It's basic psychology. The more familiarity you have with anything the more you approve of it, or the more that it becomes digestible. Desensitization.

You didn't like that album you listened to the first time you heard it, but it grew on you, and now it's amazing.

You knew better, but so many people kept saying the Jews did it, that you started to believe them, because it made you part of the group, and it 'felt' right.

The guy on the TV talks a lot, but he sounds very sure of himself, and even though they said he lied over 30000 times, he swears they are wrong, and they are just out get him, because they hate him. You slowly slide from "naawwww", to "well, maybe" to "he's totally right!"

It's fascism and autocracy 101.

It's North Korea Press and the Iraqi Information Minister.

If trump suddenly said that he played a round of golf and got 11 holes in one, and there were people with him who said they saw it, and Fox News was all over it, and praising him and saying how he could only have done that if he was "the chosen one," there would be a long line of believers right behind him.

We're pushing the envelope, and the next couple years, and the 6 after that, might be the final nail in the coffin here. Pretty soon, we'll be just like the rest. A leader who sold the country out to the highest bidder, and stole the rest for himself and his cronies, and the will of the people stopped making any difference whatsoever.
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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