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Old 11-08-2022, 03:36 PM   #54
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by Solecismic
I don't know what to say other than if you depend on partisan news sources or somehow see any nationally-known source as not heavily partisan, you're missing a lot of what goes on out there and attaching far more significance than you should to specific issues.

FWIW I empathize with this. I've often been accused of both-sidesism even when it's not what I'm actually doing, to the point where I don't post on certain issues anymore. I agree with you that there's a lot more going on than most media reports.

Where I think I differ is on the issue significance. I'm always open to being persuaded otherwhise, but I don't see how any other issue can be as important as election results denying. The issues I've voted on most of my life, I can't vote on any more - because either everyone has an equal voice in the government or they don't. I mean, I'm not even in favor of universal voting rights as a theoretical matter. But if you're saying other issues matter more than the foundational point of actually counting all the votes ... IMO that's like saying 'this airplane needs better seats' when somebody just ripped off the wings and drained the fuel tank. Without respect for the process of electing people and acceptance of the results, none of the rest of it even has a chance to be relevant.
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