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Old 11-12-2022, 10:38 AM   #413
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Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
Yep. This is going to be the equivalent to that period about 2 weeks after J6 when McConnell McCarthy and others tried to put the dagger in him but gave up because no one followed.

This is up to the rank-and-file GOP. The Clown Car Caucus has every reason to back Trump, so there should be no expectation this will happen without a fight. The big difference I see with J6 is the main reason they couldn't break from Trump then is that it implicated the party as a whole. There is no "both sides" to J6. With this, Trump is the clear fall guy - and if they take it a step further, they should break from MTG, Gaetz, Biggs and others who continue to bow down to the Great Pumpkin.

I mean, GOP House members watched as the 10 who stood up, including the #3 rank with the dynastic family name, committed career suicide. Senators were a bit more insulated because the electorate has the memory of Dory the fish, but even a number of the more "moderate", if they can called such, have retired or were primaried in favor of the crazy.

NPR was interviewing GOP voters this week and, of course, they are enamored with the new Fascist chip flavor of the month from Florida, the backup QB. But I also think that the type of GOP voters who would talk to NPR are not that significant mass of people who turn out for Trump and only Trump and wouldn't talk to any news source, even if it was Newsmax.

Does the GOP have enough people left where they could try and pivot from Trump and they have enough of a structure left of people who don't have the stain on him? I mean, there are always people in the "minors" like state houses, etc, who are probably just as good of politicians as those holding office but they didn't have the right backers or people owning them. This could be a "fresh start" to see a new, hipper, younger generation of conservatism.

Or does this even matter? Is this like steroids in baseball where they didn't like Arod, Bonds, or Clemens before so they're tainted whereas likable Big Papi gets in on the first ballot. And then the party just pushes out, say, MTG because she's a loose canon liability but keeps Gaetz because he's a fresh faced up and comer no matter how many underage girls he's paid to rape. And the right wing media will follow the script so the voters know who to like and hate.

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