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Old 02-20-2023, 04:41 PM   #75
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Georgia
Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
Read enough of these, you start to realize this is basically Mad Libs 2.0. You read a handful of them and you start to realize how formulaic they are with the same "high-stakes" games and "determined" players who learn lessons and become most "loved and respected" "underdogs"


You have to play around with the prompt some to get better results. If you just ask it to write a story, it will come up with the most common themes and ideas.

I had it do a story about Lebron as a Shakespeare play...

Act I, Scene I

Enter LEBRON JAMES, in his palace, surrounded by his courtiers.

Oh friends, I am at a crossroads in my life
And I must make a choice that shall shake the world.
Shall I stay here in Cleveland, with its rust and ruin
Or shall I go to South Beach, with its golden sand and sun?
What shall I do? Tell me, for I am torn.

Enter DWYANE WADE, his fellow knight.

My liege, if I may, I shall speak my mind.
South Beach is where the brave and strong do thrive,
Where champions do gather to make their mark.
Together, we shall be as a sword, swift and deadly.

But what of my people, my city, my home?
Shall I abandon them for glitz and gold?
Forsooth, I am troubled by this decision.

Enter PAT RILEY, a wise old man.

Good sire, hear me out, for I have a plan.
South Beach shall be your canvas, your masterpiece.
Together, we shall forge a dynasty, a legacy for the ages.
Do not hesitate, for the world shall be your oyster.

Your words do move me, old man, but can I leave?
Can I betray those who have supported me all these years?

Enter CLEVELAND FANS, angry and scornful.

Traitor! Traitor! You shall rue the day
That you turned your back on our city and our love.
May you never find success in that shallow paradise.

Ah, my heart doth break at these words of scorn.
But I must make a choice, and I have made it.
I shall take my talents to South Beach, and there I shall thrive.

Exit LEBRON JAMES, with his courtiers.

Act II, Scene I

Enter LEBRON JAMES, in South Beach, surrounded by his new courtiers.

Oh friends, how sweet the sun doth shine,
How clear the water doth sparkle in the light.
This is my new home, my new kingdom,
Where I shall reign as a king, supreme and mighty.

Enter CHRIS BOSH, his new ally.

My liege, you have made the right choice,
For here we shall make history, together as one.
Our foes shall tremble, our legacy shall endure.

Indeed, my friend, for here we shall build our empire,
A palace of dreams, a monument to our greatness.
Let us go forth and conquer, for the world shall be our stage.

Exit LEBRON JAMES and his new courtiers, united in their quest for glory.
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Last edited by larrymcg421 : 02-20-2023 at 04:44 PM.
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