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Old 03-06-2023, 08:58 AM   #34
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
This is still going, albeit very slowly. Right now, the bills have been released from committee and packaged, and sent to the chambers of congress for voting. I had one ranking committee member eligible to change packaging, but only one piece of legislation came out of that committee, so no action from me.

The bills have been voted on in both the house and the senate. There is a mechanism to filibuster a bill, depending on certain traits. None of my guys were allowed, but another player did. However, there is also a mechanism to invoke cloture under certain conditions, which was used to defeat the filibuster. The next step involves trying to sway votes. For the first time in a while, I have politicians with the correct traits to do something. However, the votes were incredibly one-sided, so even if I were to flip some voters, it wouldn't make a difference. Therefore, I declined to take this action.

The bills that passed will now go to the president to either sign or veto. I don't think any will get vetoed since they passed with enough votes to override the veto. Once the bills are signed into law, I will list the ones that made it. However, before that happens, we move on to the next phase, foreign affairs. This mostly involves ambassadors, of which I have none, and wars, which we aren't involved in right now, so this phase should go fairly quick.

The phase after foreign affairs is the executive phase. As you probably guessed, this is where the president actions occur. This will be another slow phase for me.
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