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Old 03-12-2023, 09:14 PM   #653
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Could be in the Random thread but thought this was somewhat related to current discussion ...

I can see getting one if you can change the avatar, definitely better than just talking to Siri or Alexa device. But article says more for the lonely guy which is weird, sad and (IMO) pathetic at the same time.

Men Are Buying Tiny Holographic Wives To Avoid Marrying Real Ones | YourTango
The Japanese company, Vinclu Inc., has developed the remedy for every lonely bachelor out there, the Gatebox. This cylinder-shaped device is transparent, and voice-activated, and is home to a tiny little holographic character named Azuma Hikari.

If you buy the Gatebox for your home, you’ll essentially have a little virtual woman, in a box, who will be happy to see you when you get home from work.

Her creators said that she is the perfect possession for those who live alone and want to be comforted by a cute, happy, attractive woman. This anime character boasts blue hair, a mini skirt, and knee-high socks. The company says that her main goal is to "do all she can just for the owner,” sometimes referred to as her "master."

Is it just me, or is this starting to seem a little creepy?
Aside from looking the part, Azuma has her own personality, too. She likes donuts, hates bugs, is 20 years old, and her dream is "to become a heroine to help people who are working hard." Another little tidbit: she wears a virtual wedding ring, too. It really seems that Azuma is meant to play the part of the happy, stay-at-home holographic wife.
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