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Old 04-22-2023, 08:37 AM   #37
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Back in the desert
Charles D Drake was elected as Senate President Pro Tempore for the second time. And I had to choose Frederick Douglass as my faction leader again, as he is the only one who meets all the requirements. He gained another point in command, and if by some miracle I could get him elected, he would make a solid president, other than the crippling "easily overwhelmed" trait. Maybe I can convince Grant to put him on the ticket as VP.

In addition, I did have one politician switch parties to join mine; Frank Hiscock, who is a pretty good legislator, but unfortunately he's from New York which is overcrowded with politicians. Plus, his name makes me laugh because I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old.

Next up is committee selections. Here's where my guys ended up.

House Domestic
Elihu B Washburne - Chair
James M Ashley
Clinton L Cobb
George R Robbins
William Mahone
James C McGrew

House Foreign/Military
Benjamin F Loan

House Economic
Aaron Sargent

House Judicial
John Taffe
Omar D Conger

Senate Domestic
Henry Wilson
William M Stewart
John P Hale
Benjamin Edwards
George H Noonan
George H Williams

Senate Economic
George F Edmunds
Jacob M Howard
Arthur Boreman
Orris S Ferry
James W Grimes
Lyman Trumbull

Senate Judicial
Benjamin F White
Frank M Byrne
Thomas W Palmer
William Sprague IV

Senate Foreign/Military
William Larrabee
Joseph Carter
Morgan C Hamilton
Joshua Hill
Benjamin F Rice
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