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Old 06-15-2023, 04:05 PM   #149
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
There used to be a time I could easily put myself in the shoes of the other side. I would very often on here play the devil's advocate on things because I did find people could be pretty dismissive of the other side on issues. It has really become almost to do that now, because one side has just lost any grasp on reality. They are either ignoring the very real danger of the loss of democracy and important basic human rights because they want to pay less taxes, or they have completely lost their minds and believe a grand deep state conspiracy has stolen elections and are coming after them.
No, I just can't understand how people I have known my whole life as loving caring people have become racist, xenophobic gun worshipping nut jobs. Family, friends, business associates, people that were once kind earnest religious people. I can't put their shoes on, because they are no longer wearing them.

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