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Old 06-25-2023, 09:06 AM   #572
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
Very true. Can't stand Trump as a person. But in terms of policies I think he brings positives to the table Biden doesn't. But his toxic personality outweighs that for me.

Also let's not confuse education with intelligence. Just because you know more doesn't mean you are smarter. If you have got your degree you have been subjected to the brainwashing of the academic cult. Then perhaps you move to the tech cult. Before you know it your opinion is the companies opinion. What option do you have if you want to fit in? You would likely learn a lot from working a year in construction perhaps?

The way forward is surely to meet in the middle. The left ideology is a little naive and has its problems too. The world is different for a $350k Silicon valley worker compared to a $60k construction worker. Nobody is right or wrong, you are operating in different worlds. The construction guy may be smarter than you are. Just without the rich parents and opportunities. Without compromise your country will remain at war with each other. It will likely get worse too.

I will chalk it up to you living in another country and not having regular interactions with these people, because virtually everything you said is either flat out wrong or some right wing twisted version. There is a reason why Trump and his supporters are literally the laughing stock of the world and it's not because of a lack of comprise or walking a mile in their shoes.
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