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Old 06-26-2023, 08:43 AM   #9579
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
I think a lot of the feedback already is very accurate.

I do like what they're doing with Takeshita, and his interactions with Ishii really help show what he's capable of.

Eddie Kingston was REALLY over. I was very surprised. He's just that guy that you know, loves to kick ass, and the people just embrace it.

The Ospreay / Omega match was tremendously over, and those false finishes got ridiculous reactions from the crowd. I was in the nosebleeds, and even up in the higher atmosphere, we were up on our feet several times for this match.

Okada / Danielson was good, but the crowd was exhausted by then after over 5 hours of matches (started at 6:45 and ended just after 12:00). The Danielson injury definitely didn't help either.

CM Punk got LOUD reactions, mostly boos. People can see through fake. That magic that was there when he initially came back is definitely gone. I don't remember the last time I saw Kojima in a singles match, he's definitely in a late stage of his career, but he did a great job in the ring, he certainly moved much better than Tanahashi.

MJF / Tanahashi was really good given the limitations of Tanahashi. Just seeing him run the ropes was painful. But you want to cheer for him. And MJF is just so good at what he does, the crowd just wants to cheer for him, but he turns them against him. So physically it wasn't great in any way, but both wrestlers pulled you into the match.
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