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Old 07-07-2023, 06:11 PM   #51
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Friday Part 2

Took a break for some Diablo and to clean a bit but honestly today I'm really feeling like spamming a bunch of games so lets keep going.

Game 1:

I had a strong early win streak but I made a very awkward item (Runaan's Hurricane) and it threw me off badly. I was strong going into stage 4 but I tried to play some hybrid Shurima comp with Azir/Akshan carries because of my items and it backfired badly. Good lesson learned there. I sacraficed too much for that specific item slam.


3 Shurima/4 Strategist/2 Deadeye/2 Juggernaut (instead of the usual sorcerer with Lux)

Azir/Akshan (carries)
Nasus/Shen/Jarvan (tank)
Urgot/Teemo/Swain (traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Ornn's Forge - get an ornn item
2-1: Buried Treasure 1 (silver) - components/gold
3-2: You Have My Sword (Gold) - get a sword, team does more damage
4-2: Well-Earned Comforts 3 (Prismatic) - Units gain health & attack speed for each item equipped

Key Decision: Making Hurricane to win streak. It worked but messed me up in the late game.

6th: -22 LP (Current: D3 53 LP)


Game 2:

The Shifting Sands portal is pretty unique. There are two items that you can cheese at the start of a round. Usually you can only do it once, when you first place the item. Zephyr will knock up an enemy in the same hex on the other team's board. Shroud will "mana reave" everyone in a line. The cheese comes in where you can place the item for about a half second after you see your opponent but before the fight starts. A magnetic remover allows you to remove the item and place it again. So in this portal if you make a zephry or shroud you can "cheese" it every single round. It seems no one really knows this, as no one seems to take advantage of it but me.

I commit pretty early to Invokers - it's a comp I've done very well with. It's a very very tight lobby and my items are a bit less than ideal. First has 39 health, last has 12, I'm in the middle around 22. Two people hit 8 void and Baron and I got stuck playing them back to back at one point, and we're playing for 4th barely at this point. Once down to 5 we get matched into another baron team that we can't beat, but we get lucky, so does the other guy on one life, and we lose a little less badly, 4th!


6 Invoker/2 Targon/2 Bastion

Karma 3/Soraka (Damage/Healing)
Shen/Galio 3 (Tanks)
Taric/Lissandra/Cassio (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Shifting Sands - if you don't have a remover at the start of a round, get one
2-1: Buried Treasures 2 (Gold) - Components and Gold
3-2: Tiny Grab Bag (Silver) - Component and Gold
4-2: Mana Burn (Gold) - Gives a shroud (one of the cheese items), shrouded enemies take damage until their first spell cast

Key Decision: Committing to Invoker I guess, though I could have always pivoted if i hit 3 kaisa's in one shop or something. This one didn't have a single turning point so much as many other games.

4th: +10 LP (Current: D3 63 LP)


Game 3:

3 Noxus opener but we can't 2* anything and only win 1 round, so we're getting out of this ASAP. We end up in a Shurima/Noxus hybrid for stage 3 and commit to azir/lux. We hit everything but Jarvan 2, but we have to stay level 7 forever to stay alive at all. It's the lobby where no one will die. Going into 6-1 1st place has 18 health and 6th place has 3 health. Every single person can die. And, I get matched into the person that counters me the hardest. Of the 5 other people left I would beat three of them, and lose to 2. Really frustrating.


4 Strategist/3 Shurima/3 Demacia/2 Multicaster/2 Sorcerer

Azir/Lux (Damage)
Nasus (with Demacia Spat)/Jarvan (Tank)
Swain/Teemo/Taliyah (Traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Yorick's Graveyard - when someone dies, everyone gets to choose one of their items
2-1: Buried Treasure 1 (silver) - gold/component
3-2: Shurima's Legacy (Gold) - adds significant damage when playing Shurima, which we've now committed to.
4-2: Long Distance Pals 2 (Gold) - furthest units apart gain stats

Key Decision: Committing to staying 7 forever and rolling, though I think this was an easy call for me at the time.

6th: -22 LP (Current: D3 41 LP)


Game 4:

Inconsistent start, win/loss/win/loss forever. We commit to a challenger spat and a 6 challenger board on 3-2. This is risky as there's a lot of ionia out there and this might be crazy contested. I get smashed through stage 3, another reminder to roll more on 6 most likely. I'm last place coming into stage 4 and can't win any rounds until 4-3. I do start winning but with Kaisa 1/Yasuo 1 I assume it's just a matter of time unless I hit both. A challenger spat on Gwen 2 is helping a LOT. It feels like we're playing for 6th though.

Two big wins get us out of 7th and kill off one challenger player, but we run into someone strong after that and I was indeed playing for 6th.


6 challenger/4 ionia/2 shadow isles

Gwen (Challenger Spat)/Yasuo(Shadow Isle Spat)/Kaisa (Ionia spat) (Damage)
Shen (Tank)
Kalista/Warwick/Irelia (traits)

Portal & Augments:

Portal: Glasc Industries - making items gives gold
2-1: Buried Treasures 2 (Gold) - gold/components
3-2: You Have My Bow (Gold) - Bow + Attack speed for team. We make a Challenger Spat
4-2: Defensive Dash (Gold) - Challegers shield at the start of fight and on kills

Key Decision: 3-2 we had gotten a spat on Krugs and chose to make a Challenger spat and to commit to that comp here.

6th: -22 LP (Current: D3 19 LP)

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