Thread: Science!
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Old 07-27-2023, 07:21 PM   #64
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Holy Frak.

I'm excited about this technology/technique, but also scared of the unintended consequences.

Scientists Resurrected an Extinct Animal Frozen for 46,000 Years in Siberia
Scientists have revived tiny animals called nematodes from a slumber that lasted 46,000 years, reports a new study.

The microscopic animals were successfully woken from a state of suspended animation after researchers found them in the permafrost, or frozen soil, that flanks Siberia’s northern Kolyma River. A radiocarbon analysis revealed that they hail from a prehistoric era when Neanderthals and dire wolves still roamed the world, and that they belong to a functionally extinct species called Panagrolaimus kolymaensis that was previously unknown to science.

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