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Old 08-25-2023, 11:56 AM   #90
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
**Match: Fit Finlay (Heel) vs. Chris Kanyon (Face)**


Two contrasting styles collide as the tough and battle-hardened Fit Finlay takes on the innovative and versatile Chris Kanyon. Both men are known for their unique skill sets, and the anticipation is high for a contest that promises to play to their respective strengths.

**Match Summary:**

The opening moments see a strategic game of cat and mouse as both men feel each other out, seeking an advantage. Finlay's brawling style is matched by Kanyon's creativity, leading to an engaging back-and-forth battle.

Finlay takes control with his aggressive grappling and striking, focusing on wearing down Kanyon with submission holds and powerful slams. Kanyon, however, uses his agility and adaptability to escape Finlay's clutches, countering with innovative offense.

As the match progresses, Kanyon showcases his "Innovator of Offense" moniker, hitting Finlay with a variety of moves that keep the veteran on his toes. Finlay's experience and ring awareness, however, allow him to avoid major damage and stay in the fight.

The match reaches a crescendo as Kanyon attempts a high-risk maneuver, only for Finlay to counter it into a Celtic Cross. The impact is brutal, and Finlay quickly covers Kanyon for the pin.

**Winner: Fit Finlay**

**Rating: 3.75 stars**

**Match Note: Worked to Strengths**


**Tony Schiavone:** "A wrestling clinic put on by both men here tonight! They played to their strengths, and the result was an engaging contest that had the fans on the edge of their seats."

**Bobby Heenan:** "Absolutely, Tony. Finlay's toughness and Kanyon's creativity made for a fantastic match. In the end, Finlay's experience was the difference-maker, but Kanyon has nothing to be ashamed of."

**Tony Schiavone:** "Indeed, Bobby. A match that truly worked to the strengths of both competitors, showcasing what they do best. A well-deserved victory for Finlay and a great showing from Kanyon."

The fans applaud both men for their efforts, recognizing the skill and intensity they brought to the match. The mutual respect between Finlay and Kanyon is evident as they acknowledge each other post-match, a testament to the quality of the contest they just delivered.

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