Thread: World Politics
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Old 09-23-2023, 02:19 PM   #179
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
This would be fantastic if there is normalization.

Netanyahu says Israel nears normalization deal with Saudi Arabia but refuses to outline concessions to Palestinians | CNN
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it is “likely” Israel will reach a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia, in what would mark a seismic foreign policy shift for both countries as they edge closer to reaching a deal mediated by the US.
But he refused repeatedly to say what kind of concessions he would offer Palestinians in order to get the deal across the line.

It would “change the Middle East forever,” he said – bringing down “walls of enmity” and creating “a corridor of energy pipelines, rail lines, fiber optic cables, between Asia through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.”
I'd be skeptical but seems there is some substantial negotiations going on. I do wonder how much input the Palestinians have had.

This week, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that a normalization pact with Israel would be “the biggest historical deal since the Cold War.”

In an interview with Fox News, bin Salman added that he hopes the deal will “reach a place that will ease the life of the Palestinians” – but stopped short of calling for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, which has been Riyadh’s official stance for two decades.
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