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Old 10-20-2023, 02:18 PM   #6428
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Interesting. I've never heard of a super speeder law. I found that it's a civil tax law used to generate more state funds.
Is a Super Speeder Ticket Another Form of Reckless Driving Georgia Crime?
No, it is not. The GA reckless driving (RD) law found in code section OCGA 40-6-390 is one of the serious Georgia traffic laws and is a crime. The Super Speeder law is civil in nature and is a tax law.

The RD law criminalizes this conduct: "Any person who drives any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property commits the offense of reckless driving." Any reckless driving charge can carry a fine of up to $1000 and the possibility of jail time of 12 months.

The GA super speeder law is merely a civil tax collection law that was created to generate more income for the State. Plus, the Georgia Legislature tied the payment to the offender's right to driving within the borders of Georgia, by basically suspended that offender's right to ever driver in GA while the $200 penalty is unpaid.

The super speeder Georgia statute does not add any Georgia speeding ticket points like the OCGA reckless driving statute does. Nor does it call for jail time.

Fight or Pay Super Speeder GA Ticket? This article focuses on how to fight a super speeder ticket in Georgia. It also discusses what happens if you get a super speeder ticket in Georgia. Additionally, the article explains how much a GA super speeder ticket in Georgia is.

How much is a super speeder ticket in GA? How to get a super speeder ticket off your record? The #1 way is to let a skilled traffic ticket lawyer handle the case from the beginning. For some drivers (e.g., those under age 21 and CDL licensees) a conviction for a high-speed misdemeanor citation can be financially painful and socially painful.

A Georgia super speeder fine must be paid in addition to the regular speeding ticket amount. If you exceed the posted speed limit by more than 20 miles you can be written a super speeder fine.
What is the deal with the Georgia super speeder law? Unlike any other state, Georgia has over 1,000 different traffic courts that process GA traffic offense cases. Georgia's super speeder fine is a money-making technique which charges drivers caught going over the speed limit an extra $200, in addition to any other court-ordered penalties.

This O.C.G.A. suspended license only goes into effect if the $200 does not get timely paid to DDS in Georgia. This would occur after the criminal law case is wrapped up and the high-speed ticket is reported to the Georgia Department of Driver Services.

Our traffic ticket lawyers are sometimes able to get an interstate speeding ticket dropped to 84-in-a-70-speeding ticket in GA, which does not get reported to other states. Of course, the rules are different on any 2 lane roads, and none of these have an 85 mph speed limit.

What is considered a super speeder in GA? Any driver convicted of speeding (or missing his or her court date) also CAN go to jail, by the way. The issue never is "how much does a super speeder ticket cost," since that is just a small financial assessment. When the DDS GA notice is mailed out and not paid in 30 days, and then another 90 days pass, the scofflaw driver is then suspended, by Georgia's Department of Driver Safety, after those 120 days pass.

Do you have to go to court for a super speeder in GA? Sometimes, but if you provide a power of attorney for your criminal lawyers near me in Georgia to act, then likely not. Here is the language of the Georgia super speeder law, OCGA 40-6-189.

Do not call our law firm just before your court date. One of the secrets to resolving traffic misdemeanor cases successfully is finding the right criminal defense attorneys. (Yes, a traffic violation like speeding is a crime, in GA.)

For drivers under the age of 21 facing a high-speed ticket, some different pitfalls exists. These cases usually require the help of a traffic crime defense
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