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Old 11-08-2023, 01:31 PM   #203
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Interesting story about how an Israeli called a dentist in Gaza 3 separate times to tell him to evacuate buildings within 2-3 hours each time. The Israeli knew details of the dentist and stayed on the phone with the dentist and he did his thing.
During this conflict, the Israeli military has phoned Gazans sometimes to warn them ahead of air strikes - Mahmoud's account gives an insight into one such phone call in an unprecedented level of detail.

The BBC contacted Mahmoud after multiple al-Zahra residents identified him as the man who received the warning call.

We cannot independently verify the contents of the call, which he recounted roughly three weeks after the event. The details, however, match those on a community Facebook group from the day as well as satellite images before and after the bombing.
The dentist asked the Israeli (while on the phone) to fire a shot, and then another to prove this guy was for real. And the Israeli did.

Mahmoud could not believe it when the man began speaking, he recalls.

People around him warned that the call may be fake. Since the war had begun, messages had been circulating in the community Facebook group warning of hoax calls and offering tips on identifying real Israeli evacuation orders.

Mahmoud asked the voice on the phone to fire a warning shot to prove this was real. If those still sleeping did not hear the screams from the streets then they would hear the shot, he thought.

A warning shot seemingly from nowhere, but perhaps from a drone, hit one of the apartment blocks under threat, he says.

"I asked him to 'shoot another warning shot before you bomb'," Mahmoud says. One more rang out.

I can only imagine the terror & weight of responsibility the dentist felt. That's a neighbor I want to have.
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