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Old 11-12-2023, 05:37 PM   #1497
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
World Team Cup Playoffs

For the first time in some in-game years, I screwed up and forgot to enter my players in practice events the week before. No fatigue was wasted, but Manoj Datar was made very busy doing a bunch of training to salvage as much XP as he could.

As for the matchup itself, we were against Chile who had beaten us in the semifinals earlier. I was not happy to see this, but it ended up being just fine. We had hardcourt as the surface, and rather surprisingly cruised to a 5-0 win. Only two sets were dropped ... both by Raychaudhari curiously enough. Morocco, Georgia, and Argentina also won their playoff encounters; the first two of that trifecta have been rising competitors of ours, and it's interesting that all three of us join the top tier together.

It should also be noted that Renke Von dem Knesebeck had the final and decisive win in Austria claiming the world championship 3-2 over Spain. This was definitely Knesebeck's year; the entire second half of it he did about as well as he possibly could have.

Country Rankings

1. Spain - 2737
2. United States - 2307
3. Argentina - 2242
4. France - 2211
5. Germany - 2098
6. Austria - 2068
7. Greece - 2028
8. Great Britain - 2015
9. Italy - 1997
10. Russia - 1935

14. Sri Lanka - 1780

We've earned our way back to the top level, and will be in Group 1. Opponents are Australia, Great Britain, and Canada. I expect to finish no worse than second; Australia is the top competition with Eddy Copperfield (#3 doubles) and Jason Abercrombie (#7 singles) a difficult combo to overcome. Best guess is we end up behind them but ahead of the other two, and most likely end in the quarterfinals. But we'll see how much we can do.
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