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Old 12-14-2023, 09:39 AM   #1
Ghost Econ
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2020
How much would it cost to get you to (or not) eat meat

I saw this posted on Reddit under the guise of: if you were offered $1k a week to never eat meat again, would you?

I was kinda surprised how many people jumped on it. $1k is nice money, but I prefer meat more than am extra $52k a year. I think $10k a week would get me closer, but it might have to be closer to $20k a week.

Also, there wasnt enough info on a hypothetical deal, like if you fail do you keep what you've gotten, do you have to pay it back...

Since I know we have a fair number of meat abstainers here, I'll phrase it a different way:

How much (per week/month) would it take for you to either never eat meat again or eat meat regularly again, depending on your preference. The caveat is that if you don't last 6 months you have to pay it all back. Then it's a rolling meter where you have to pay back the previous 6 months plus 20% of the total you've earned.

For example, let's say you accept $1k a month and last 3 years.

$1k x 156 weeks = $156k - 26 weeks at $1k = $130k - .2 x $156k = ~$100k. So about $30k a year not to eat meat.

Obviously the payback is arbitrary, so play with it as you will. How much would it take you to change your mind and how long do you think you could realistically go?

Personally I could go 6 months at best in my current state, but if you get to train I could maybe go a year or so.

Last edited by Ghost Econ : 12-14-2023 at 09:42 AM.
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