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Old 02-16-2024, 01:26 PM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by garion333 View Post
I think you nailed my basic approach to the game. Deep and flexible is the way to go.

To be completely honest, and I'm sorry if I'm beating a dead horse with this comment, but this team building strategy is why single player FOF is not satisfying in the long run. A human player is much better able to manage their cap, especially when it comes to re-signing top talent who were injured on under utilized and can be signed longterm for a good price. When your team becomes stacked with good talent for starters and backups, playing against the AI is simply too easy.

My point is your experience and lessons learned is what initially drove me to play multi-player FOF. The single player AI is not able to present enough of a challenge without severely handicapping myself with house rules. I'm not happy to have to employ house rules just to find a modicum of challenge.

Anyway, good on you for coming to this strategy so quick! Others like to build their teams differently, but avoiding top 10 salary demands is a good idea. You move down, get more picks and pay less overall? Yes, please.

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I have a blast single player and I certainly don't always win. I do employ some house rules, but they are mainly ones I find realistic.

Meaning if I have a superstar and a fan favorite, I'm keeping him in most cases. I look at it as justifying to my ticket holders why their favorite players are getting dumped. So I understand it isn't an "optimal" strategy to pay an average player like a top 15 player at his position, but If he's spent 7 years with my team, I'm not dumping him, even if I 100% know it would be the best video game strategy.

If I have a bad year and I have a top 10 pick, I 100% agree with the take on drafting above, but am I trading down? Only if there isn't really a guy at a position I need. Fans don't like trading out of the top 10 over and over and over again and a reward for them after a bad season is getting a player in the top 10.

Everyone's miledge may vary, but for me house rules just aren't min/maxing the game with every optimal strategy. And doing it that way does give me a fun time while I don't win all the time.
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