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Old 03-03-2024, 03:24 PM   #31
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Holy jesus joseph and mary this one was hard. I have just completed The entire Harbinger slection of achievements for Talisman. This is the Harbinger expansion as in Harbinger of doom. You choose a mthod of destruction and there are 7 gin cards that come out and a harbinger of doom and a harbinger deck with nasty things in it. It's awful. And gets harder as you go.

I just got the hardest achievment not only the hardest that I've gotten from this game but the hardest I've gotten in ANY least the rarest.

It was the "I win twice, right?" achievment. Had to get the apocrypha cursed object in my hand and then playing the ARMAGEDDON CROWN ending win the game. Both the armegeddon crown AND the apocrypha have you rolling dice saying you win if the 7th sign card is drawn. It's hard to accomplish because you have to have statsx high enough to actually GET the object in your hand. That sounds easy but the game state changes constantly and once you get to the 4th sign it starts messing with your ability to have objects in your hand followers too plus the deck is FULL of cursecd items which glut up your hand and you can't drop and they force you to drop other obects...oh yeah you need a talisman too. plus all the weaons and magic that helps you along the way and the monsters in this really mess with your cards. SO hard. This was my second attempt and game lasts hours. I played a two player game and played both players kinda coop style. Used the evil Possessed as my main because he has 8 hp and drawing the end cards reduces your hp. The second character was the Celestial who is a total badass....very helpful in cleaning up the board. Really had to concentrate on removing bad bards which doesn't happen often. Got a lot of bad cards VERY QUICKLY in this game buyt eventually the helpful cards came to even thing out and only one death this time. yay. By the middle both characters were very secure....but really had to keep fighting back the sign cards as they can spring up very quickly ruioning your plans. You can't even win without a talisman card so any harbinger crap can force you to drop it out of nowhere. I mean this achievment was HARD TO COME BY pantpantpant
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