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Old 03-19-2024, 06:51 PM   #28
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2003
Mark Zuckerburg, you may look like a robot molesting freak, but my god can you build a headset.

The Quest 3 is utterly ridiculous. Seriously. I was involuntarily laughing and saying I can't believe this a dozen times at least. The experience is next level.

And I am not even using it for games yet.

I set up a work space in a virtual environment with 3 virtual monitors that are connected to my computer and with a wireless keyboard and mouse to get real work done. Now for me, it is just researching, editing and writing documents. There is no photoshop happening up in here, but for what I need done, it works great.

I know it is a bit silly to do this, but sometimes I have a block doing work at home and this allows me to feel like I have left the house when I most definitely am still laying in bed in my intimates.

The key is getting the headset to fit right. I went to a store where they did a terrible job walking me through it and everything was blurry and I thought what a piece of junk, but then I decided to watch enough youtube videos to gaslight myself into not believing my own experience and what a good idea that turned out to be.

At home, without pressure or a line, I was able to adjust my headset just right and then everything looked really clear. I would say the resolution of the screens is about 1080, maybe a bit under so for others it might not work but for guys whose never let low standards get in the way of a good time, it is perfect. I use both virtual desktop and immersed to get my work done .

As for video, OMG. You can put yourself in a movie theater with at least a 100inch screen. The possibilities!!!

Battery life is definitely on the short end. Without it plugged in, I am getting about 90 minutes. I got a long usb c cord to keep it plugged in while using it.

The original headset strap works well for me! But I know there have been a lot of complaints about it.

Oh one more thing... OOTP 24 plays amazing in it. 100inch screen for ootp. Yes, please.
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