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Old 03-20-2024, 02:57 AM   #8
Join Date: Nov 2003
I think in addition to getting fired, you mentioned it in your post the vast majority of sports sims don’t simulate the pressure… from fans, media, players etc…

You can take over that Yankees team that had one bad year, bench or trade all the starters for prospects and get a nice little rebuild going. In reality the fan and media outcry would mean you wouldn’t last 6 months, and also you’d lose the locker room which would just turn the thing into a massive downward spiral.

The only sim that tries to and can try to replicate that is FM as usual, but even there I think they’ve softened it, the versions 10-15 years ago were brutal for getting fired out of left field because the fans lost faith or you asked for the wrong things from the owners. Ultimately more people want to have an enjoyable game rather than get canned in a realistic manner.
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