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Old 05-16-2024, 07:29 AM   #8
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Here's mine from last night, I remember it vividly.

My family and I were in some kind of casting call for a movie. Tom Hanks was in a room interviewing us with a whole group of casting staff. We didn't really know what it was about. I thought I was doing good, me and Tom were hitting it off great, but then he said he couldn't make any decisions about who to cast because that would taint the process. And then he left.

So then we're all herded outside and there's hundreds of other candidates for these roles. We're all given a big card with a letter on it, A, B, C, or D, maybe some others. We had to go to a specific place in a big outdoor set that matched the letter. Then on the card, it told us how we were supposed to act in some kind of riot. Like it'd say, "politely protest" or "break all the shit we can", or "do violence". And there were all these props around, like burned out cars, weapons, etc. Then it started and we all had to riot or protest consistent with the instructions on our card.

I got card A, which meant I mostly stood around and watched other groups raising hell.

I woke up before I found out if I got the part.

You need to take a break from both Fallout AND Tom Hanks.

Also...I have audition and performance dreams ALL THE FUCKING TIME
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